Monday, March 29, 2010

Magic Valley Marching Band

...will have its first meeting of 2010 on Saturday, April 24th, in the JHS band room from 8-10 a.m. - We will rehearse every Saturday morning in May (1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd) leading up to performances on May 29th in the Hagerman parade, June 1st for the Shrine football game, and June 5th in the Western Days parade in Twin Falls. STUDENTS FROM ALL MAGIC VALLEY HIGH SCHOOLS ARE WELCOME! Contact your friends in other bands and get them on board!


  1. Oh man bein able to play in the rose parade a year or so from now would be amazing!

  2. I'm glad that we have The Magic Valley Marching Band; So if i must leave Jerome, I'm not completely left out. (:
    And that really would be amazing to play & march at The Rose Parade.


Constitution Day

Constitution Day
Ambush of Tigers at Constitution Day