Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Magic Valley Music & Movement Showcase plans

NEW DIRECTION! We're going to pull away from the USSBA hosting the show in Jerome this year - contract troubles stemming from multiple changes in the USSBA front office and indecision about how to handle a very different competition like ours will be.

SO, we're going to go it on our own this year, which will be much less expensive (demanding about one-third of the sponsorship money we would have required) and will allow us to start in earnest NOW instead of waiting for details to be hammered out back east.

The MAGIC VALLEY MUSIC & MOVEMENT SHOWCASE (or the MVMMS) will still take place in the O'Rourke Stadium on the campus of JHS on Saturday, September 24th, starting at 1 pm. It will feature marching bands, non-marching bands, drum lines, color guards, dance and drill teams from throughout Southern Idaho - we'll bring in five highly qualified judges from within Idaho (rather than nationally as the USSBA would have done) and hope to charge NO entry fee for the performing groups.

We WILL need to get sponsors for the event, program, and trophies, and can now start on that immediately - students, this is on YOU! You are the ones who can get businesses and donors to contribute, not the adults! Contact Mr. Daniels (Sabra and Alexis' granddad) for the list of prospective businesses to visit.

Here are the rough numbers - Boosters, peruse these and let me know what you see that needs to be changed...

> Patron admission) $4 adults, $3 for students, $2 for children under 9. Estimate $300.
> Concessions) We are likely but not absolutely guaranteed to be able to use the JAB football concession stand... Estimate $300 profit, after expenses.
> Entry fee) My hope is not to have to charge performing groups an entry fee.
> Sponsors) Event, program, and trophy sponsors are required. This budget suggests that $1300 will cover the cost of the event, rather than the $4000 the USSBA needed.
> COLOR GUARD CAMP) Mandy Trigloff is hoping to set up a color guard camp for grades 3-7, to excite youngsters about joining the Ambush flag team in eighth grade. This is the perfect opportunity - we recruit up to the previous Friday (Constitution Day performance for all the schools), and have three after-school sessions with our own guard on W/Th/F right before a performance on the 24th at the MVMMS. If we have a $20 participation fee, subtracting cost for lunch and a t-shirt, I'm estimating $100 cleared, to be safe. Upfront expenses for equipment and shirts...
> Programs) Hoping to ask Mr. Quinley to help us make these in house - advertising should offset the costs - at $2 each, we should make about $300 here.
> Shirts to sell) We've got our logo and our slogans - now to make up the shirts and sell them at the event. We're thinking at $7 per unit, selling for fifteen, but allowing for not selling more than half at the actual event... no profit ON SITE but money to be made in the long term on these.

> Dance after the contest) ... for all performers - we have the equipment and such covered and donated, and should be fine except for perhaps snacks or something if we don't have concession leftovers...
> JUDGES) I want to have five adjudicators: one each in the categories of Music, Visual (marching), General Effect, Percussion, and Color Guard/Dance. I have people in mind for all positions but have not issued invitations yet. Total cost: $250 plus transportation and food for all - estimated total $1600.
> Advertising) Allowing for a $500 budget for local TV, radio, and newspaper.
> Trophies) Covered through sponsors but am allowing $100 in case.
> Announcer) I have a KMVT guest announcer I'd like to bring in, and a small stipend of $100 would not be out of line.
> What does it cost to have an EMT on site?

Thoughts? Let me know!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Magic Valley Marching Showcase

WE ARE IN NEED OF SHOW SPONSORS! If you have connections with individuals or businesses who would have an interest in sponsoring our marching contest September 24th, please put them in contact with Mr. Smith ASAP - we need to have those sponsors in place by mid-July to get the show in place! Every little bit helps - program sponsors, trophies, signage, anything they can contribute!


With the week off from summer school, I have the drill entirely on the computer ready for the Ambush and the visual design ready to share with the color guard in July... We're still waiting on a couple of equipment issues (specifically the keyboard and costuming for the boy and girl) but we're in great shape for marching and field show camps!

Constitution Day

Constitution Day
Ambush of Tigers at Constitution Day